Ueber das Wochenende vom 8./9. Oktober habe ich den Workshop Gestaltungslehre mit Gisela Hafer bei der TexArtAcademy im Tessin besucht. Wir haben verschiedene Design-Prinzipien angeschaut und jeweils direkt eine kleine Uebung dazu geklebt und gemeinsam verglichen. Gisela Hafer konnte uns mit ihrem langjährigen Wissen einfach und klar diese Prinzipien vermittteln. Ein super Workshop, eine super Wokrshopleiterin, ich bin begeistert!
8th and 9th of October I visited a design workshop with Gisela Hafer at the TexArtAcademy in Cadro/Tessin. Gisela is a superb teacher with a lot of knowledge and she knows how to discribe the design principles on an ingoing way. We had to clue different exercises and discussed each of them on the wall. I am so pleased and know a lot more than before.
8th and 9th of October I visited a design workshop with Gisela Hafer at the TexArtAcademy in Cadro/Tessin. Gisela is a superb teacher with a lot of knowledge and she knows how to discribe the design principles on an ingoing way. We had to clue different exercises and discussed each of them on the wall. I am so pleased and know a lot more than before.
Liebe Grüsse